G-JZ6GEM58Y6 Staff | St. Lucas UCC
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Contact the staff at St. Lucas UCC at hello@stlucasucc.org.



Senior Minister

Email: gmiller@stlucasucc.org    Extension: 6118 

Rev. George Miller earned his Bachelor’s Degree from St. Cloud State University in St. Cloud, Minnesota in 1993 and his Master of Divinity from Eden Theological Seminary in 2004. He was ordained as a minister in the United Church of Christ on July 17, 2005. Since 2005, Pastor George has pastored two congregations and become an active, vital part of the community. In both settings he has enjoyed the many roles a pastor plays including sharing the compassion of Christ, visiting members, co-creating a food pantry, being a spiritual leader, teacher, advocate, and community cheerleader. In his free time Pastor George listens to R&B music and loves spending time at the beach. 



Associate Minister of Pastoral Care and Visitation

Email: janetpillman@aol.com     Extension: 6119

Rev. Pillman retired from the position of Associate Pastor at St. John UCC, Manchester in 2017 after 11 years of service to that congregation. Prior to that time she served at First Presbyterian in Fredricktown and Ironton, and at Eliot Chapel in Kirkwood. Rev. Pillman is gifted with a delightful personality and is experienced in pastoral care and visitation.



Church Administrator

Email: jwagener@stlucasucc.org     Extension: 6116

Jeff was born and raised in South County and is a graduate of Lindbergh High School. He received a bachelor’s degree in Business from the University of Missouri St. Louis and his law degree from Saint Louis University School of Law. Jeff was baptized at and a member of Bethesda United Church of Christ (k/n/a Bethesda Evangelical Church) until 2003 when he joined Samuel United Church of Christ. He has been a member of St. Lucas UCC since 2018.  


Jeff has practiced law for most of his career. In 1996, Jeff was elected to the St. Louis County Council where he served from 1997-2001. He also served as Director of Intergovernmental Relations for the St. Louis County Executive from 2001-2002 and Chief of Policy from 2015-2019. In addition, Jeff served as Program Manager for Eden Seminary’s Walker Leadership Institute. During his career, Jeff has served on numerous boards including as the inaugural president of the Great Rivers Greenway Board, the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership Board and the Howard Bend and Monarch Levy District Boards. He taught courses in both law and government as an adjunct professor at Maryville University.


Jeff has three children, (Elise, John and Beckett), two stepchildren (Maggie and Patrick). Jeff enjoys music, current events, the outdoors and his 140-pound dog Leroy. But mostly, he loves spending time with his wife, St. Lucas UCC member, Julie Murphy, and their family.



Director of Children's Ministries and All-Church Programming

Email: mottinger@stlucasucc.org     Extension: 6114

Michele has over 30 years of experience in the field of Early Childhood Education. Throughout her career, she served as the executive director for several large child development centers, as a consultant for the state of Missouri Bureau of Child Care and Head Start programs.

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Coordinator of Youth Ministries

Email: abush@stlucasucc.org     Extension: 6125

Amy served on the program staff at Camp MoVal for 2 years after attending camp as both a camper and a counselor for 11 years. She has been a member of Job’s Daughters International for 9 years where she has served in various leadership roles, at both the local and state level, and currently serves as an adult volunteer. Amy earned her Bachelor's in Secondary Education from SEMO.



Co-Coordinator of Youth Ministries

Email: lfey@stlucasucc.org     Extension: 6125

Lynn grew up at St. Lucas UCC and is a life long member of the United Church of Christ. She was baptized and confirmed at St. Lucas UCC. Lynn was an active member of the youth group at St. Lucas UCC. She attended 5 mission trips while in school. She also attended Camp MoVal over her summers.



Saturday Evening Organist


David is an Honor Graduate of South County Technical High School. He has been the organist for the Saturday evening worship service at St. Lucas UCC since 1994. He began organ lessons at the age of 10 and has concentrated on classical organ for much of the last 22 years.



Administrative Assistant

Email: dheagle@stlucasucc.org     Extension: 6120

Debbie mans the front desk; her cheerful and helpful personality evident when she answers the phone or when you walk in the office. Debbie is knowledgeable in all facets of the office operations and is ready to drop whatever she is doing when a congregant or visitor comes in.



Communications Coordinator

Email: dbowers@stlucasucc.org     Extension: 6121

Denee helps shape the message of the church both within our membership and the community around us. She is a graduate of Greenville University with degrees in religion and communication. Previously, she worked in a number of roles at a United Methodist Church and at Washington University. 

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Preschool Director

Email: kbelssing@stlucasucc.org     Extension: 6126

Kelly Blessing has been a part of St Lucas Preschool since 2011.  She has a Bachelors degree in Elementary Education with an emphasis in Early Childhood Education.  Kelly is married and has 3 boys, all of which attended St Lucas Preschool. In her spare time, she likes to spend time with her family, go to her boys hockey games, root for the St Louis Blues, and read. She loves the dedication of the staff and the long standing traditions that makes St Lucas Preschool such a wonderful place to work.

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