Safety Policy at St. Lucas UCC
All potential volunteers and paid employees must attend a Keeping God's Children Safe training session offered by st. Lucas United Church of Christ. Participants will receive all information and paperwork necessary to follow the safety policies of the church.
Parents of children through second grade must sign their child in and out of any youth ministry activity. This includes Church School, Vacation Bible School, St. Lucas Preschool, and sporting events. Children in this age group will be released only to their custodial parent or another adult designated by the parent in writing. If the parent gives permission for another adult to pick up their child from an activity, the Parent Pickup form must be completed by the parent and turned into the group leader.
A Registration Form must be completed and signed before the child or youth will be allowed to participate in all activities. These forms must be kept with the group leader at all times during the activity. A separate permission form must be signed by the parents for all off-site activities.
On any overnight event, there must be two adults of the same gender as the youth on the activity. If the group consists of mixed genders, there must be at least two male and two female adults with the group.
Only assigned workers are allowed in the Crib Room. The only exception to this guideline is for nursing mothers or a parent paged to come to the Crib Room to calm a child who is upset.
Young children under the ages of seven must be accompanied to the rest room if outside of the classroom. The staff member or volunteer must remain outside of the restroom with the door open. If a child is in need of assistance, the worker may enter the restroom, but all doors must remain open.
Transportation to and from church events is not part of the church or youth group activities. Church staff members are not allowed to transport children to and from their homes. Parents are responsible for providing or arranging transportation for their child/children.
We invite you as parents and congregation members to understand Keeping God's Children Safe and to actively cooperate in implementing these precautions. We also invite you to take one of our training classes which are offered seasonally.