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Greetings from your Open & Affirming Task Force!


Updated: Jul 2, 2024

After reviewing the steps taken by the original ONA Task Force before the pandemic, Pastor Vicki and the Church Council suggested the formation of a new group of volunteers to start this process again. This new task force was commissioned during worship by the congregation on 11/5/23 and charged with restarting from the beginning to explore an Open & Affirming status for St. Lucas UCC.

I’d like to take the opportunity to remind you who has stepped up to work on this faith-filled journey. Our team is comprised of:

● Bill Brinkhorst

● Kirk Dalgaard

● Karen Papin

● Cynthia Rosfeld

● Barbara Smith

Under the direct guidance of Pastor Vicki, we have been meeting regularly since November following the guidelines within Building an Inclusive Church, a 68-page workbook endorsed by the UCC.

As strongly recommended in the workbook, we have begun our One-to-One conversations with congregation members; one of our team members has lovingly coined them “listening sessions”. These gatherings are intended to hear your thoughts about the impact an Open & Affirming certification may have for St. Lucas UCC.

We’re eager to explore what everyone has to say about this proposition. As we work through this measure, we hope to secure time with as many members of the congregation as possible so all opinions may be expressed and heard.

We aim to work through every point of the workbook to secure the best result for St. Lucas UCC. We genuinely feel the need to determine who God is presently calling us to be in our congregation and community. This process will not be rushed.

Plans for educational opportunities will be discussed in the upcoming months to allow St. Lucas UCC a practical understanding of an Open & Affirming adaptation.

If you have any questions concerning these activities or if you’d like to speak with one of our team members, you are welcome and encouraged to contact anyone listed above.

With Grace and Peace,

The ONA Task Force, 2.0

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