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Pass the Bricks at St. Lucas UCC


Updated: 2 days ago

We are excited to announce the launch of St. Lucas UCC's Pass the Bricks Ambassador Program. Pass the Bricks is a nonprofit organization that exists to give more children access to play. The organization repurposes used Lego bricks to create sets that can be donated to children and organizations in the area.

As an ambassador St. Lucas UCC will become just the second collection location in the St. Louis area. The St. Lucas UCC Pass The Bricks Ambassadors program will be collecting bricks year round. Cleaning, assembling, organizing, and distribution days will be organized on an as need basis. Any member of the community can donate used Lego to the St. Lucas ambassadors program.

Pass the Bricks was founded by Charlie Jeffers in Marin County, CA. The program began when Jeffers realized that Lego is an amazing play tool to support emotional and cognitive development. Many used bricks end up in landfills instead of in the hands of children who could benefit from them.

Bricks go through a simple process on their way to their new homes. Bricks are collected, cleaned, sorted, packaged into new "sets," and delivered to children and organizations.

Kristin Buckholz is leading our program and she can be reached at stlucasbricks@gmail.com.


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