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Honoring Those Who Served


This Veterans Day we want to honor those in our community who have served our country. These veterans either currently are or previously have been St. Lucas UCC members.

James Edward Applequist

Brian Bild

Violet Darlene Brooks

Michael K. Broughton

James Edward Bundy

Stan Burcham

Dannie O. Burk

William Grant Cotner

Philip Denton

Rick Alan Diemert

J. Kenneth Dressel

Harold Garland

Delmar James Gottschalk

Orlyn L. Groeper

Keith Hampton

Jeffrey Hartenberger

John Richard Heath

Sr.H. Benjamin Held

Dan Herron

Robert Michael (Mike) Hoey

John Carlton Hoffmeister

Michael William Holthaus

Edward Hubbell

James Daniel (Dan) Johnson

David Johnston

Robert E. Jones

Randall Charles Jurgensen

Duane Keller

Noel F. Knobloch

Guy W. Leonard, Sr.

Harold P. Lindner

William Almon Linnenbringer

Robert H. Mayer

Paul McCaffrey

Gary E. McKee

Melvin K. Meyer

James Miller

Roger J. Morgan

Richard Edward Morris

Ronald Joel Moussette

James Robert Murphy

Carlton Norton

David Ochsner

Donald Ochsner

Randall Ingram Ottinger

Joseph Perez

Robert T. Pieper

Kenneth Preis

Tom Rea

William E. Reinhardt

David Rogers

Adam Rustige

Dave Ryan

Ernie Sartorius

Otto G. Schoenberg

Paul Simons

William Sip, Jr.

Derryl Smith

Bernie Stever

Evelyn L. StolzJohn

(Jack) G. Taylor

Gene Walburn

William P. Weber

William Wing

This list was originally created in 2011 by the St. Lucas UCC Heritage Committee, and continues to be maintained by the committee. Please contact Joy Dressel with any corrections or updates to this list.


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