G-JZ6GEM58Y6 Membership | stlucas
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At St. Lucas UCC we believe church membership is an important part of the Christian life. Joining a church is one way we can respond to God’s call to live as the body of Christ. In membership we covenant to do the work of God in the world together with our brothers and sisters in Christ.


When you become a member you commit to take on the mission of the church in your own life. This includes regularly participating in the worship and activities of the church, offering money and investing time in the mission, and dedicating yourself to growing in discipleship to Christ.


You are expected to regularly participate in the life of the church through worship, serving, and other activities.The offering of money and the investment of time and abilities to the church and its mission are vital acts of membership. 

The Process

We host regular information sessions for anyone interested in joining the church. These informal, explorative sessions are a time where current members share some of what they love about this congregation and let you know how you can become more involved in our ongoing ministry together.


If you decide to move forward with membership we will ask you to fill out our membership form (see below). Once you have completed that you will be recognized during our worship service so you can be more fully welcomed into our community.

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