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Welcome. We're so glad you're here!

St. Lucas UCC is an active community of Christians seeking to grow in faith together. No matter where you are on your journey there is a place for you here.

Plan a Visit

We would love for you and your family to join us for worship. We offer two services where you can experience uplifting music and an inspiring message.

Saturday at 5:00 pm

A relaxed, shorter version of our traditional service.

Sunday at 9:30 am

A traditional service that includes a children’s message.

What to Expect

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Who is welcome?

Everyone is welcome at St. Lucas UCC. No matter your age, gender, ethnicity, identity/expression, ability, or economic status there is a place for you at St. Lucas UCC. Whether you’ve never stepped foot in a church building, or you have been attending all your life, you are welcome to be a part of our faith community!

What is service like?

This varies some from week to week, but generally our services last between 45 and 60 minutes. When you arrive an usher will provide you with a bulletin that includes the order of worship for that day. This will include prayers, songs, and a sermon. Once a month we participate in Holy Communion together.


You can sit anywhere. Some people sit in the same place each week, but they usually arrive early, and will be happy to share a pew with you! 


On most Sundays we have Coffee Hour following worship, with refreshments and conversation. 

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Is there an offering?

Yes. Towards the end of the service, an offering is collected. We believe that giving is an important part of following Jesus. The offering helps support the ministry of the church, while helping us to grow in generosity.

What should I wear?

You’ll see a variety of dress at St. Lucas UCC. Some folks come in very casual clothes and some in business casual. You can come in whatever makes you feel most comfortable.

What about my kids?

Children are welcome in our worship services. On Sunday mornings we have a Children’s message within the service. After the Children’s message, Sunday school is provided for Youth and Children.

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